Organ Massage – Kidneys

Organ Massage:    Kidneys

Brief Introduction:
The kidneys are located in the abdomen behind the peritoneum and although they form a pair, they differ in size and position.  The right kidney lies slightly lower than the left due to the space the liver occupied in the abdominal cavity.  The kidneys are responsible for removing wastes from the body, regulating electrolyte balance and blood pressure, and stimulating red blood cell production, (Marieb, 2009).  Yet they are more than just a eliminatiing system.  Our kidneys eminate coloured rays of light throughout the body into which we continually insert our astrality; our feelings, emotions and drives ~ in fact everything that builds the soul of our body, (Konig, 2006).

Knowledge of Metal:
Copper shows beauty, brightness and generosity and is often called ‘the little sister of gold’.  It is a supple metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity.  Pure copper is soft and malleable; and a freshly exposed surface has a reddish-orange color.  Copper’s wonderful warm tones combines well with other elements resulting in rich, warm colours.  It is a very active mineral; when connected with tin it produces bonze and combined with zinc it produces brass.  Copper carries the forces of Venus through its beautiful warm, intense reddish golden colouring that gives itself freely to other elements, (Taruna, 2012).

Venus is depicted as being born from the sea on to the shores of Cyprus.  It is from the name of this island that the word copper derives.  Venus was felt by antiquity to dwell just where such large amounts of copper had condensed.  Venus was credited with a sea origin, and copper reminds us of this connection with the water element, (Kollerstrum, n.d.).  Venus also greatly influences our sentient soul.
Copper connects with our warmth element and the anabolic processes allowing the ego to work through warmth.  Within the human organism, copper holds the gift of transformation in its warming and enlivening qualities bring new astral impulses into the body.  Its opening, yielding and receptive gestures allow the ego to penetrate the body in a gentler way than iron does.  Because of its relationship to the etheric and astral forces, copper can support healthy rhythms between these two streams in the body, (Taruna, 2012).

Knowledge of Indications:

As copper forces support the warmth within the body it is useful when seeking to elevate cramping in the digestive organs.  Astral forces can penetrate too strongly in this system resulting in an imbalance between the astral and etheric forces.  Copper rids the astral of this hypersensitivity and generates warmth into areas that need it to restore harmony again (Pelikan, 1973).  It is also a valuable remedy in cases of asthma, whooping cough and epilepsy.
Copper is the element that stimulates and maintains a lively circulation within the vascular system by strengthening the dynamics between the astral and etheric forces.  In these cases it is a valuable remedy for treating constipation and varicosities and nutritional processes in the body.

As copper brings warming and harmonizing qualities that have a healing effective in cases of fatigue or loss of boundaries; anywhere where the regenerative processes need renewing and enlivening.  It is used in cases of eczema and allergic type rashes and in cases where the client has a tendency to kidney stone formation, (Taruna, 2012).

Contraindications for Organ Massage:

  • An acute inflammatory conditions
  • Fever

Form, Dynamic and pace:

Standing in a comfortable position facing the client, the practitioner makes 3 calm, large warming circles over the kidney region.  The flow of the movement is clockwise.  The left hand always maintains its contact with the body.

After completing the third circle the hands separate and the practitioner places their right hand over the right kidney and the left hand over the left kidney.  The right hand moves upwards and the left hand moves downwards making small circles over each kidney region.  The flow of the movement is carried out in a simultaneous way.

The left hand moves across the spine after finishing the 3rd circle to rest over the right kidney region and the right hands moves across the spine to rest over the left kidney region.  The practitioner repeats the 3 circular motions.

The hands swap their position again and repeat the three circular movements.  When finished they remain still for a few moments before gently rising off the body.
In honour of the airy nature of the kidneys, the practitioner needs to perform this massage with a light, rhythmical, breathing swinging motion.  Just as the kidneys work together, so do the hands always move together.  A new impulse enters into the process each time they swap position.