Organ Massage – The Gall Bladder

Organ Massage:    The Gall Bladder

Brief Introduction:

The liver gall bladder is a small pear-shaped sac that stores and concentrates bile.  It is connected to the liver (which produces the bile) by the hepatic duct. When food containing fat reaches the small intestine, the hormone cholecystokinin is produced by cells in the intestinal wall and carried to the gall bladder via the bloodstream. The hormone causes the gall bladder to contract, forcing bile into the common bile duct. A valve, which opens only when food is present in the intestine, allows bile to flow from the common bile duct into the duodenum where it supports the process of fat digestion, (Marieb, 2009).  It works in partnership with the liver in the metabolic processes of anabolism (liver) and catabolism (gall-bladder).

Knowledge of Metal:

The metal Iron is greyish in appearance and very supple.  Of the seven metals, iron is the ‘earthy’ one, having a stronger connection with the earth than the other metals.  In fact it is the only one that aligns with the earth’s magnetic field, in a compass. It is present in far larger quantities in the earth’s crust than the other metals and the only one which has built itself solidly into the substance of the earth.  Iron is able to store light and is the only metal that sparks when struck.  It permeates rocks and soils and forms a great number of important minerals and ores in combination with other substances that keep the earth processes working.  It also features as a vital central element in the life of plants, animals and human beings, (Pelikan, 1973).

In human beings iron has incarnating properties.  Just as iron threads through the earth’s body, so it flows through our vascular system in the blood.  It helps to establish inner orientation by anchoring our personalities into our bodily processes, (Hauschka, 1966).  Iron brings us presence of mind as it is built into the central ‘I’ organism, the basis for our will activities and creative gestures within the world.  Iron stimulates our breathing through its presence in hemoglobin as well as helping to balance processes between the metabolic and respiratory functions preventing overflowing digestive functions in the body, (Bott, 1978).

Mars has ‘his’ genius and demon’s; his genius is that he brings us our impulse for speech and his demon occurs when the power of speech is misused in the world.  Iron carries the Mars incarnating forces down into the body so we are able to activate our will in the world.  It brings courage, the impulse for speech, creativity and active forces of our initiative to achieve our goals and aspirations.  When balanced in the body the iron/mars qualities bring targeted, focused energy that allows us to lead, or work with, others for the common good.  When the mars forces penetrate too deeply into the body, we can become self-centered, over-bearing and display bullying qualities (Taruna, 2012).

Knowledge of Indications:

As iron process support incarnation, Iron (ferrum) ointment is a valuable remedy when a client experiences lack of motivation and exerting their will in the world.  In supporting incarnation it allows the warmth element to penetrate the blood and soul forces again combating timidity and exhaustion.  This is why it is so valuable when a client lacks the will to make decisions, especially in cases of anaemia.

The iron/mars forces help the ‘I’ organisation incarnate more into the body so the client is able to ‘know their own mind’ better.  It can help restore rhythm to metabolic processes to relieve constipation and restore appetite.  It is also valuable in cases of post natal depression as it helps to restore the client’s presence in the body stimulating warmth and energy again; it also brings clarity of thought again.  Restoring the warmth element also helps to alleviate cold limbs as the blood penetrates the body better, (Taruna, 2012).

Contraindications for Gallbladder Organ Massage:

  • An acute inflammatory condition
  • Fever
  • Thyroidtoxicosis
  • After 3 pm
  • In children under the age of 9 years old
  • People with a strong mars quality such as aggressive behaviours

Form, Dynamic and pace:

  • The form and pace is performed in the same manner as the liver organ massage.  Treating the liver with tin ointment in the morning can stimulate the liver’s watery and forming processes.  Treating the gallbladder in the evening with iron ointment will stimulate the active biliary functions bringing us the energy to act.