Organ Massage – The Heart


Organ Massage:    Heart

Brief Introduction:

In mainstream terms the heart is the organ that pumps blood and oxygen to all parts of the body. It is about the size of a clenched fist and is shaped like a cone. The heart is located in the chest cavity just posterior to the breastbone, between the lungs and superior to the diaphragm. The heart is surrounded by a fluid filled sac called the pericardium.  Blood is circulated away from the heart through arteries and returns to the heart via veins, (Marieb, 2009).  However Steiner asserts that the heart is no just a pump driving blood through the body, (Holtzapfel, 2002) The heart is a centre where blood from different parts of the body meet.  Blood from the lungs bring us aspects of the outer world and blood that carries the world of within, (Layer, 2006).

Knowledge of Metal:
As the heart occupies the middle region within body so gold occupies the middle position within the metals.  Gold is a soft, dense, shiny malleable and supple metal.  Traditionally the noblest of the metals, gold expresses the splendor and radiance of the sun.  It is the only metal that never tarnishes and it resists the fiercest heat.   Its sun-like nature is evident for it needs to glitter in the sun to express itself.  Gold has a unique relation to light and colour, especially the colour green which is the colour of harmony and the heart charka.  The metal can be beaten out so thinly that it has hardly any solidity left.  In gold we see the brilliance of the sun, but other rich colours are also seen in its colloidal solutions, ranging from greenish-blue, through reddish, violet-blue to pure rose, in fact all the colours from the gold of the noonday sun to the radiant colours of sunset.

Gold is a good conductor of heat and electricity, (Kollerstrum, n.d.).
Gold is the king of metals and brings it harmonizing and balancing qualities to the body.  Gold’s seat of activity is the centre of our rhythmic system for it belongs to the sphere of the heart, (Pelikan, 1973).  As human beings our upper pole is open to light and air through our nerve-sense system and breathing process, on the other hand we are governed by the laws of gravity and warmth processes through our metabolic-limb system.  The heart stands between these two extremes maintaining balance and harmony within both systems with the rhythm of taking in and letting go.  The heart owes this loyalty and faithfulness to gold, (Pelikan, 1973).  Our heart is also the ‘feeling’ centre, the carrier of our emotions.  It is here where life experiences touch our ‘heart’ with joy, warmth and light or shock, grief and pain.

Knowledge of Indications:

Gold is the sun metal we apply for treating the heart region.  It has a calming and strengthening effect in cases of cardiac palpitations and feelings of anxiety and fear.  Gold (Aurum) helps to strengthen our sense of self especially when we lack the courage to face up to difficult situations.  As a heart/sun element it helps to instill calmness and balance in times of shock, grief and loss.  It strengthens our ability to ‘lift our spirits’ in times of low self esteem and self reproach and the courage to build new social connections.

Contraindications for Organ Massage:

  • An acute inflammatory condition
  • Fever
  • Children under the age of nine
  • Angina or an acute cardiac condition
  • Before three weeks post surgery

Form, Dynamic and pace:

  • The right hand rests gently on the client’s right shoulder or upper arm.  The movement of the right hand makes a large circle that starts from the upper left shoulder and moves in an anti-clock-wise motion over the left side of the client’s chest towards the apex of the heart.
  • At this point the right hand forms a small inward flowing loop then continues the movement over the left lower ribs.  The practitioner must keep this movement light as this allows an inner free space to open.
  • The motion continues towards the deep lateral aspect of the left lower ribs and ends by the practitioner gently lifting their hand away, the finger pads being the last to break contact.
  • The right hand then flows in an up and outward motion ready to bring a new impulse towards the body and repeat the movement again.

The process is carried out with quiet, calm rhythmical movements.  It is important to convey a wide expanse when moving the hand upwards ready to start a new movement.  As the hand let’s go it carries and releases negative aspects and picks up a new, fresh impulse to bring into the next new movement.