Tag Archives: massage

Organ Massage – References


Bott, V., (1978). Anthroposophical Medicine, an extension of the art of healing, Rudolf Steiner Press, London
Hauschka, R,. (1966). The Nature of Substance, London, Vincent Stuart LTD
Holtzapfel, W,. (2002). The Human Organs, their function and psychological significance, Lanthorn Press, on behalf of the Committee for Steiner Special Education
Kollerstrum, N,.(n.d). Planets and Metals, http://www.skyscript.co.uk/metal1.html, Viewed May 2012
Layer, M,.(2006). Handbook for Rhythmical Ernreibungen According to Wegman/Hauschka, Temple Lodge Publishing, Hillside House, The Square, Forest Row, RH18 5ES
Marieb, Elaine N., (2009). Essentials of Human Anatomy & Physiology, Ninth Edition, Pearson Benjamin Cummings, 1301 Sansome Street, San Francisco, CA 94111
Pelikan., W., (1973), The Secret of Metals, Lindisfarne Books, P.O. Box 749 Great Barrington, Massachusetts 01230
Taruna College, (2012). Diploma in Holistic Healthcare, Clinical Notes, Seminar 1, Havelock North, NZ

Organ Massage – Mercury/Quicksilver

Organ Massage:    Mercury/ Quicksilver

As far as I am aware there is no special organ massage for this substance.   I cannot find any organ massage protocol for this.

Brief Introduction:
As a substance mercury develops a relationship with water to create movement and dissolves substances.  Although considered an ‘earthly’ organ, Quicksilver processes seem to have an affinity with the lungs through respiration.

Knowledge of Metal:
Mercury appears sometimes in the form of a fluid metal, sometimes in the form of a hard brittle metal and sometimes in the form of a corrosive translucent salt called sublimate and sometimes in the form of a transparent white earth called mercurius dulcis.  It is also found in the red opaque volatile earth called Cinnabar.

Mercury is denser than iron and heavier than water and yet it is liquid.  The smallest movement can send it scattering into round droplet forms, yet its power of cohesion allows it to reunite easily again.  Quicksilver brings the forces of the planet mercury’s mental agility as the shining globules of this liquid metal form and reform so quickly.  Hermes was the messenger of the gods, so mercurial types make good link people. Likewise the metal mercury amalgamates and different metals can be brought together by dissolving them in mercury.  However it dislikes the earthly quality of iron and will not combine with it.  Mercury likes to go into an airy rather than earthly form.  The term ‘amalgamate’ is also used in commerce when different organisations amalgamate together.  This is a mercury-process, and Hermes was traditionally the god of commerce, (Kollerstrom, n.d.).

Mercurial processes within the body are valuable in the metabolic, respiratory lymph and glandular tissue.  In the digestion (and lymph) systems it facilitates the coming together of the ‘external’ substances and the human organism, merging together energy and body building processes.  In the lungs it connects us with life through the first inward breath and releases us into death with the last outward breath.  When there is imbalance in the lung region, mercury helps to counteract any inflammatory or consolidating states that would take hold, (Hauschka, 1966).

Organ Massage – Kidneys

Organ Massage:    Kidneys

Brief Introduction:
The kidneys are located in the abdomen behind the peritoneum and although they form a pair, they differ in size and position.  The right kidney lies slightly lower than the left due to the space the liver occupied in the abdominal cavity.  The kidneys are responsible for removing wastes from the body, regulating electrolyte balance and blood pressure, and stimulating red blood cell production, (Marieb, 2009).  Yet they are more than just a eliminatiing system.  Our kidneys eminate coloured rays of light throughout the body into which we continually insert our astrality; our feelings, emotions and drives ~ in fact everything that builds the soul of our body, (Konig, 2006).

Knowledge of Metal:
Copper shows beauty, brightness and generosity and is often called ‘the little sister of gold’.  It is a supple metal with very high thermal and electrical conductivity.  Pure copper is soft and malleable; and a freshly exposed surface has a reddish-orange color.  Copper’s wonderful warm tones combines well with other elements resulting in rich, warm colours.  It is a very active mineral; when connected with tin it produces bonze and combined with zinc it produces brass.  Copper carries the forces of Venus through its beautiful warm, intense reddish golden colouring that gives itself freely to other elements, (Taruna, 2012).

Venus is depicted as being born from the sea on to the shores of Cyprus.  It is from the name of this island that the word copper derives.  Venus was felt by antiquity to dwell just where such large amounts of copper had condensed.  Venus was credited with a sea origin, and copper reminds us of this connection with the water element, (Kollerstrum, n.d.).  Venus also greatly influences our sentient soul.
Copper connects with our warmth element and the anabolic processes allowing the ego to work through warmth.  Within the human organism, copper holds the gift of transformation in its warming and enlivening qualities bring new astral impulses into the body.  Its opening, yielding and receptive gestures allow the ego to penetrate the body in a gentler way than iron does.  Because of its relationship to the etheric and astral forces, copper can support healthy rhythms between these two streams in the body, (Taruna, 2012).

Knowledge of Indications:

As copper forces support the warmth within the body it is useful when seeking to elevate cramping in the digestive organs.  Astral forces can penetrate too strongly in this system resulting in an imbalance between the astral and etheric forces.  Copper rids the astral of this hypersensitivity and generates warmth into areas that need it to restore harmony again (Pelikan, 1973).  It is also a valuable remedy in cases of asthma, whooping cough and epilepsy.
Copper is the element that stimulates and maintains a lively circulation within the vascular system by strengthening the dynamics between the astral and etheric forces.  In these cases it is a valuable remedy for treating constipation and varicosities and nutritional processes in the body.

As copper brings warming and harmonizing qualities that have a healing effective in cases of fatigue or loss of boundaries; anywhere where the regenerative processes need renewing and enlivening.  It is used in cases of eczema and allergic type rashes and in cases where the client has a tendency to kidney stone formation, (Taruna, 2012).

Contraindications for Organ Massage:

  • An acute inflammatory conditions
  • Fever

Form, Dynamic and pace:

Standing in a comfortable position facing the client, the practitioner makes 3 calm, large warming circles over the kidney region.  The flow of the movement is clockwise.  The left hand always maintains its contact with the body.

After completing the third circle the hands separate and the practitioner places their right hand over the right kidney and the left hand over the left kidney.  The right hand moves upwards and the left hand moves downwards making small circles over each kidney region.  The flow of the movement is carried out in a simultaneous way.

The left hand moves across the spine after finishing the 3rd circle to rest over the right kidney region and the right hands moves across the spine to rest over the left kidney region.  The practitioner repeats the 3 circular motions.

The hands swap their position again and repeat the three circular movements.  When finished they remain still for a few moments before gently rising off the body.
In honour of the airy nature of the kidneys, the practitioner needs to perform this massage with a light, rhythmical, breathing swinging motion.  Just as the kidneys work together, so do the hands always move together.  A new impulse enters into the process each time they swap position.

Organ Massage – The Bladder

Organ Massage:    The Bladder

Brief Introduction:
The bladder organ massage with the metal silver supports the functions of the brain and the uro-genital organs especially during conception and development of new life.  It carries the moon forces and has the opposite effect of lead within the body.

Knowledge of Metal:
Silver has an enlivening quality.  It is a soft, white, lustrous metal that has the highest electricial conductivity of any element.  It melts easily and can only be cast.  Silver has long been valued as a precious metal and used to make ornaments jewelry, high-value tableware, utensils,and currency coins.  Today, silver metal is also used in electrical contacts and conductors, in mirrors and in catalysis of chemical reactions. In mythology the pure silvery moon was associated with the chaste moon goddess, Artemis, the Huntress with the silver bow and arrow, and Diana, whoses images were cast in silver, (Kollerstrom, n.d.)

Silver reflects the action of the moon whose forces influence the rhythms in life.  The moon qualities of silver show an intimate connection with light as she reflects back light from the whole universe.  Starlight as well as sun light shines back to us in the moons reflection.  She receives light images passively and reflects them back just a mirror would.  Silver has an inner mobility that reflects it reproductive powers, like the ripples that form after throwing a stone into water.  In human beings we see the moon/silver forces in the body’s growth and building up processes, including the reproductive process that takes place within the warm and secret areas of the reproductive organs.  It also carries its forces to the brain where we are able to conceive ideas and reproduce these, thus reflecting the world in our thinking life, (Huschka, 1966).

Knowledge of Indications:
Silver is a valuable substance for restoring harmony and balance within the body, especially the rhythms.  In cases where women are finding it difficult to conceive, silver can restore rhythm and warmth to the body’s processes, especially regarding hormonal rhythms.  It is also useful for other genital disturbances in men and women.  In shock and trauma silver can help to preserve balance between the etheric and astral forces preventing hysteria and loss of boundaries.  It supports the nerve-sense system when the client has a tendency to migraine by restoring balance between the upper and lower poles of the body.  In the elderly silver can restore rhythm to micturition and in children elevate bedwetting problems, (Taruna, 2012).

Contraindications for Gallbladder Organ Massage:

  • Menstruation
  • An acute inflammatory condition
  • Fever

Form, Dynamic and pace:

The massage describes a gently swinging half moon curve between the right and left iliac crests moving over the suprapubic area.  The right hand is held in a slightly curved position as it embraces the contours of the suprapubic area.
The left hand rests gently underneath the client’s right hip region in a warm, supportive gesture without applying any pressure.  Starting just beyond the left iliac crest, the right hand moves in a curve towards the right iliac crest and then swings back to the left.  This makes one movement and is repeated.  A third repetition from the left iliac crest finishes with a gentle outwards stroke beyond the right iliac crest.  Five swinging motions are made in all.
The practitioner holds a rhythmical pace bringing a new impulse to the process at the start of each swinging motion.

Organ Massage – The Heart


Organ Massage:    Heart

Brief Introduction:

In mainstream terms the heart is the organ that pumps blood and oxygen to all parts of the body. It is about the size of a clenched fist and is shaped like a cone. The heart is located in the chest cavity just posterior to the breastbone, between the lungs and superior to the diaphragm. The heart is surrounded by a fluid filled sac called the pericardium.  Blood is circulated away from the heart through arteries and returns to the heart via veins, (Marieb, 2009).  However Steiner asserts that the heart is no just a pump driving blood through the body, (Holtzapfel, 2002) The heart is a centre where blood from different parts of the body meet.  Blood from the lungs bring us aspects of the outer world and blood that carries the world of within, (Layer, 2006).

Knowledge of Metal:
As the heart occupies the middle region within body so gold occupies the middle position within the metals.  Gold is a soft, dense, shiny malleable and supple metal.  Traditionally the noblest of the metals, gold expresses the splendor and radiance of the sun.  It is the only metal that never tarnishes and it resists the fiercest heat.   Its sun-like nature is evident for it needs to glitter in the sun to express itself.  Gold has a unique relation to light and colour, especially the colour green which is the colour of harmony and the heart charka.  The metal can be beaten out so thinly that it has hardly any solidity left.  In gold we see the brilliance of the sun, but other rich colours are also seen in its colloidal solutions, ranging from greenish-blue, through reddish, violet-blue to pure rose, in fact all the colours from the gold of the noonday sun to the radiant colours of sunset.

Gold is a good conductor of heat and electricity, (Kollerstrum, n.d.).
Gold is the king of metals and brings it harmonizing and balancing qualities to the body.  Gold’s seat of activity is the centre of our rhythmic system for it belongs to the sphere of the heart, (Pelikan, 1973).  As human beings our upper pole is open to light and air through our nerve-sense system and breathing process, on the other hand we are governed by the laws of gravity and warmth processes through our metabolic-limb system.  The heart stands between these two extremes maintaining balance and harmony within both systems with the rhythm of taking in and letting go.  The heart owes this loyalty and faithfulness to gold, (Pelikan, 1973).  Our heart is also the ‘feeling’ centre, the carrier of our emotions.  It is here where life experiences touch our ‘heart’ with joy, warmth and light or shock, grief and pain.

Knowledge of Indications:

Gold is the sun metal we apply for treating the heart region.  It has a calming and strengthening effect in cases of cardiac palpitations and feelings of anxiety and fear.  Gold (Aurum) helps to strengthen our sense of self especially when we lack the courage to face up to difficult situations.  As a heart/sun element it helps to instill calmness and balance in times of shock, grief and loss.  It strengthens our ability to ‘lift our spirits’ in times of low self esteem and self reproach and the courage to build new social connections.

Contraindications for Organ Massage:

  • An acute inflammatory condition
  • Fever
  • Children under the age of nine
  • Angina or an acute cardiac condition
  • Before three weeks post surgery

Form, Dynamic and pace:

  • The right hand rests gently on the client’s right shoulder or upper arm.  The movement of the right hand makes a large circle that starts from the upper left shoulder and moves in an anti-clock-wise motion over the left side of the client’s chest towards the apex of the heart.
  • At this point the right hand forms a small inward flowing loop then continues the movement over the left lower ribs.  The practitioner must keep this movement light as this allows an inner free space to open.
  • The motion continues towards the deep lateral aspect of the left lower ribs and ends by the practitioner gently lifting their hand away, the finger pads being the last to break contact.
  • The right hand then flows in an up and outward motion ready to bring a new impulse towards the body and repeat the movement again.

The process is carried out with quiet, calm rhythmical movements.  It is important to convey a wide expanse when moving the hand upwards ready to start a new movement.  As the hand let’s go it carries and releases negative aspects and picks up a new, fresh impulse to bring into the next new movement.

Organ Massage – The Gall Bladder

Organ Massage:    The Gall Bladder

Brief Introduction:

The liver gall bladder is a small pear-shaped sac that stores and concentrates bile.  It is connected to the liver (which produces the bile) by the hepatic duct. When food containing fat reaches the small intestine, the hormone cholecystokinin is produced by cells in the intestinal wall and carried to the gall bladder via the bloodstream. The hormone causes the gall bladder to contract, forcing bile into the common bile duct. A valve, which opens only when food is present in the intestine, allows bile to flow from the common bile duct into the duodenum where it supports the process of fat digestion, (Marieb, 2009).  It works in partnership with the liver in the metabolic processes of anabolism (liver) and catabolism (gall-bladder).

Knowledge of Metal:

The metal Iron is greyish in appearance and very supple.  Of the seven metals, iron is the ‘earthy’ one, having a stronger connection with the earth than the other metals.  In fact it is the only one that aligns with the earth’s magnetic field, in a compass. It is present in far larger quantities in the earth’s crust than the other metals and the only one which has built itself solidly into the substance of the earth.  Iron is able to store light and is the only metal that sparks when struck.  It permeates rocks and soils and forms a great number of important minerals and ores in combination with other substances that keep the earth processes working.  It also features as a vital central element in the life of plants, animals and human beings, (Pelikan, 1973).

In human beings iron has incarnating properties.  Just as iron threads through the earth’s body, so it flows through our vascular system in the blood.  It helps to establish inner orientation by anchoring our personalities into our bodily processes, (Hauschka, 1966).  Iron brings us presence of mind as it is built into the central ‘I’ organism, the basis for our will activities and creative gestures within the world.  Iron stimulates our breathing through its presence in hemoglobin as well as helping to balance processes between the metabolic and respiratory functions preventing overflowing digestive functions in the body, (Bott, 1978).

Mars has ‘his’ genius and demon’s; his genius is that he brings us our impulse for speech and his demon occurs when the power of speech is misused in the world.  Iron carries the Mars incarnating forces down into the body so we are able to activate our will in the world.  It brings courage, the impulse for speech, creativity and active forces of our initiative to achieve our goals and aspirations.  When balanced in the body the iron/mars qualities bring targeted, focused energy that allows us to lead, or work with, others for the common good.  When the mars forces penetrate too deeply into the body, we can become self-centered, over-bearing and display bullying qualities (Taruna, 2012).

Knowledge of Indications:

As iron process support incarnation, Iron (ferrum) ointment is a valuable remedy when a client experiences lack of motivation and exerting their will in the world.  In supporting incarnation it allows the warmth element to penetrate the blood and soul forces again combating timidity and exhaustion.  This is why it is so valuable when a client lacks the will to make decisions, especially in cases of anaemia.

The iron/mars forces help the ‘I’ organisation incarnate more into the body so the client is able to ‘know their own mind’ better.  It can help restore rhythm to metabolic processes to relieve constipation and restore appetite.  It is also valuable in cases of post natal depression as it helps to restore the client’s presence in the body stimulating warmth and energy again; it also brings clarity of thought again.  Restoring the warmth element also helps to alleviate cold limbs as the blood penetrates the body better, (Taruna, 2012).

Contraindications for Gallbladder Organ Massage:

  • An acute inflammatory condition
  • Fever
  • Thyroidtoxicosis
  • After 3 pm
  • In children under the age of 9 years old
  • People with a strong mars quality such as aggressive behaviours

Form, Dynamic and pace:

  • The form and pace is performed in the same manner as the liver organ massage.  Treating the liver with tin ointment in the morning can stimulate the liver’s watery and forming processes.  Treating the gallbladder in the evening with iron ointment will stimulate the active biliary functions bringing us the energy to act.

Organ Massage – The Liver

Organ Massage:    The Liver

Brief Introduction:
The liver is the largest and heaviest digestive organ of the body consisting of numerous hepatic lobules that make up its soft sponge like form.  All our fluids stream through this sponge like organ thus making the liver the organ of the etheric processes within the human body.  It is the central metabolic organ and is involved in almost all anabolic processes that take place.  It has high regenerative powers and is capable of creating new tissue even after surgery.  It is also one of the main detoxification organs of the body, (Layer, 2006).

Knowledge of Metal:
Tin is a malleable, supple and highly crystalline silvery-white metal that shines like silver.  When a bar of tin is bent, a crackling sound known as the thin cry can be heard due to the twinning of the crystals.  Tin is primarily obtained from the mineral cassiterite and is extracted by roasting it in a furnace with carbon and is chiefly mined in Malaysia.  It is a metal with great inner strength and is rust and fatigue resistant.  It is a metal that is reluctant to leave the fluid state.  It has strength of form and plasticity of substance; it seeks to maintain a balance between melting and congealing.  As iron and lead, tin is a poor conductor of electricity, (Taruna, 2012).
Tin metal shows us some of its Jupiter-nature through it crystalline forms and malleable elements.  As the ‘thinker’ within our planetary system, Jupiter is related to creative energetic thought forms that radiate to us in the mobile forms of dreams and intuition, (Steiner, 1988).  When we are willing to reflect inwardly Jupiter will often initiate answers to difficult questions while we sleep.  It also shows within the structural elements of the body such as the muscular and smooth round surfaces of the organs

Tin harmonizes with the liver and the etheric forces of the organ.  As a therapeutic substance, tin carries fluid and forming qualities that establishes the correct relationship between liquid and solid states within the body.  It is vital for creating the correct balance between form and fluid in the body’s cartilaginous areas.  It actively brings form into areas of the body that are too liquid as it works to reabsorb and solidify.  For example: hydrocephalus, bronchitis, pleurisy, liver congestions or slow bile flow.

Where the polarity of excessive degeneration due to abnormal drying exists, this substance actively helps to restore the fluid balance; e.g. arthritis, gout and cirrhosis of the liver.  Tin is also helpful when the etheric forces are over powered by stronger physical forces which can result in hardening processes taking place within the body.  In such cases tin’s ability to negotiate between fluidity and form is active in restoring equilibrium between the etheric and physical processes, (Pelikan, 1973).

Knowledge of Indications:

As tin harmonizes so well with the liver it is a useful substance in cases of great tiredness within body and mind, where the person has lost their ‘will’ to do anything.  It helps in cases of hardening such as arteriosclerosis, arthritis and chronic eczema.  From the opposite aspect it can prove helpful in cases of fluid retention as in bronchitis and pleurisy.
Tin is also useful in migraines due to sluggish metabolism, some cases of digestion problems, allergies and the need for detoxification of the liver due to chemical exposure and excessive intake of allopathic medications.

Contraindications for Liver Organ Massage:

  • An acute inflammatory condition
  • Acute migraine
  • In cases where liver tumor or metastases are present

Form, Dynamic and pace:

  • The liver lies in the right upper quadrant of the body just below the diaphragm.  It is protected by the lower right ribs.  It extends to the right flank to just beyond the midline of the body.
  • The left hand gently supports the client underneath the liver region while the right hand performs one ellipse that carries the ointment into the organ massage.  The movement starts at the prominent point of the ribcage arch.  The left hand that remains ‘awake’ opens gently to allow the right hand carry its movement towards the flank region.
  • The right hand continues to perform evenly flowing circles over the liver area in an anti-clockwise direction.  The right hand makes approximately 6 progressive ellipses over the liver area maintaining form with the horizontal plane while the lower aspect of the movement becomes fuller as the hand moves towards the left flank.  The left hand continues to remain awake to the right hand, opening to allow free passage when needed.
  • The touch is warm and full contact is achieved with the right hand as it progresses over the liver area towards the right flank.  As the hand gently makes the rhythmical movement it carries the dynamics of the impulse into each new circular movement.
    The last ellipse is a gentle upward stroke from the deep aspect of the left flank moving towards the beginning point of the ribcage arch.  The left hand moves in unison with the right hand and both gently lift off a short way to the umbilicus.

Organ Massage – The Spleen

Organ Massage:    The Spleen

Brief Introduction:

The spleen is an elastic, spongy organ that stores blood and regulates the inward and outward flow of body substances.  It has the ability to expand and contract as it manages our digestive rhythms, harmonizing rhythms between food intake and the regular rhythm of the blood flow.  It has a high proportion of lymphatic tissue indicating that it plays an important immunological role within the body.  The spleen is considered to connect strongly with cosmic rhythms and has a strong affinity with our outermost planet, Saturn.  Just as Saturn separates the planets from the rest of the cosmos, it is possible to consider that a ‘Saturn sheath’ surrounds the spleen reminding us of our long forgotten spiritual connections.

Knowledge of Metal:

Lead has an affinity with our outermost planet of Saturn and offers protection from a number of harmful earthly substances such as radiation and heat.

Lead is a bright and silvery metal (with a slight shade of blue) in a dry atmosphere; it starts to tarnish upon contact with air.  The characteristic properties of lead include having a high density and although it is soft and pliable it has poor malleability and is easily broken when rolled or stretched (Pelikan, 1973).  Lead is a poor conductor of electricity compared to other metals; it has a high resistance to corrosion and the ability to react with organic chemicals.  Lead has a strong relationship with the warmth processes and expands dynamically when heated and contracts strongly when cooled.  Despite leads affinity to warmth, heat moves slowly through the substance of this metal, it is as if each particle of lead wants to keep the heat for itself rather than sharing it with other particles. Lead is not changed by light; rather it integrates light within the darkness of its own substance thus showing it affinity with the spleen where light is also considered to be integrated into the darkness of the organ.  Lead lacks moisture indicating that leads heavy, dark characteristics have a relationship to death, (Hausckha, 1966).

As Saturn provides a protective outer boundary for the solar system, so lead processes have an important protective role within in the human body especially regarding the core temperature.  In the human body one of leads activities is building bone (Hausckhka, 1966) for it is lead that carries on the process from cartilage building (tin) to the end conclusion of bone mineralization (hardening).  This is necessary for a healthy, active and workable bone structure that carries us through the physical world.  The strange thing is that in the mist of this ‘dead’ bone substance is the bone marrow where red blood cells, new life, are created.  On the one hand we have hardening and death; on the other new life and resurrection, the gift that brings us independent consciousness so we ‘know who we are’, (Pelikan, 1973).

Because lead has an intense relationship to warmth, its substance has the ability to combine with sugar in the body.  In this way lead processes relates to our most spiritual aspect as it supports the ego, the ‘I’ organisation, which lives entirely in states of warmth.  In a healthy state it maintains the balance between the warming and cooling processes in the body.  This member also governs the astral forces so that actions towards our self and within the world demonstrate respect and appropriate social behaviour.  Loss of balance between these warming and cooling processes can result in an imbalance in an ego-directed soul life, sclerosis within the body’s blood vessels, (especially the arteries) and joints or in the brittleness of bone and failing senses as we grow older, (Hausckha, 1966).

Knowledge of Indications:

As a therapeutic substance, lead is pharmaceutically prepared to adjust itself to the intensions of the ego, the “I” organisation and used to enhance these intensions whenever they are too weak, (Pelikan, 1973).  Lead has renewing and transforming qualities and its properties make it a valuable remedy in helping our soul (astral) and spirit (I- organisation) penetrate the physical and etheric elements in such a way that we are able to ‘know who we are’ and assert our true nature within the world.  Thus during our lifetime, our physical body (bony framework) allows us carry our impulses into the world with vitality and passion.  Lead is a valuable remedy when this healthy, dynamic balance is lost as it can stimulate the constitution to return to healthy instincts.  It especially strengthens the ‘I’ organisation in times when we feel we have lost our way in life, (Pelikan, 1973).

During childhood the ‘I’ being and astral forces shape the physical body into instrument that allows the individual to carry these impulses into the world.  If the building up processes (anabolic) within the bone is too active they may reject the forming processes that are necessary for healthy bone development.  Body substances remain too warm and too fluid so the natural bone mineralization is hindered.  In these cases lead is a valuable remedy as it normalizes the building up and forming processes allowing the “I” and astral principles to penetrate the bone and blood elements as they should.  This integration is vital for future physical and spiritual maturity, (Pelikan, 1973).  Lead is also a valuable substance as we age for it acts as a decomposing agent in cases of arthrosclerosis where plaque deposits within the walls of the vascular system.  It allows the ‘I’ organisation to continue governing the astral forces in an integrated way, minimizing the possibility for its destructive hardening forces to take hold (Taruna, 2012).

In issues of morality, lead strengthens the forces of the ‘I’ organisation within the body thus helping us to be aware of our actions within the world.  In this way it can be a counter agent against immoral tendencies towards the self, for example suicidal intentions, or wrong actions towards others or within the societal environment.  In cases of addiction, it strengthens the ‘I’ organisations control over the astral forces cravings of substances; for example alcohol, that would otherwise lead to intoxication rendering the ego (and therefore the individual) powerless.  As a remedy lead also helps to counteract an arrhythmic lifestyle, sleep disturbances, feelings of depression, metabolic weaknesses, and nutritional disturbances, loss of appetite and food allergies, (Taruna, 2012).

Contraindications for Spleen Massage:

  • An acute inflammatory condition
  • Fever
  • Should not be done over an extended period of time for children

Form, Dynamic and pace:

  • The spleen is located in the upper left quadrant of the body just below the diaphragm and is protected under the lower left ribs.  The practitioner stands at the side of the bed on the client’s right side at a comfortable angle to the table.  The left hand rests gently underneath the client’s right rib region in a supportive gesture without applying any pressure.  The right hand describes a rhythmical, changing lemniscate.
  • Starting at the waistline above the iliac fossa the first loop is performed with full, warm contact over the area of the spleen.  The hand moves with a lifting quality over the skin encompassing the lateral ribs within the movement.  Inwardly we relate wholly to the organ as we do this.  At the upper turn of the lemniscate this lifting quality is relaxed as the hand turns and comes back towards the body making a smaller loop.  The smaller loop is ‘almost contracted into a turning point that is breathing’.  We go far out inwardly as if we want to take new impulses for the Saturn sphere bringing them back to give to the spleen.
  • The client should experience a spleen organ massage as a very quiet yet larger movement.  The movement flows from behind the practitioner, through the arm from the shoulder streaming out through the hand in a warm, gentle rhythmical movement.  As the movement streams up toward the outer (Saturn) sphere it gathers new impulses and brings them back for the next lemniscate movement.  After seven repetitions the movement finishes with a gentle lifting of the hand medial to the iliac fossa.