Tag Archives: Mercury

Organ Massage – Mercury/Quicksilver

Organ Massage:    Mercury/ Quicksilver

As far as I am aware there is no special organ massage for this substance.   I cannot find any organ massage protocol for this.

Brief Introduction:
As a substance mercury develops a relationship with water to create movement and dissolves substances.  Although considered an ‘earthly’ organ, Quicksilver processes seem to have an affinity with the lungs through respiration.

Knowledge of Metal:
Mercury appears sometimes in the form of a fluid metal, sometimes in the form of a hard brittle metal and sometimes in the form of a corrosive translucent salt called sublimate and sometimes in the form of a transparent white earth called mercurius dulcis.  It is also found in the red opaque volatile earth called Cinnabar.

Mercury is denser than iron and heavier than water and yet it is liquid.  The smallest movement can send it scattering into round droplet forms, yet its power of cohesion allows it to reunite easily again.  Quicksilver brings the forces of the planet mercury’s mental agility as the shining globules of this liquid metal form and reform so quickly.  Hermes was the messenger of the gods, so mercurial types make good link people. Likewise the metal mercury amalgamates and different metals can be brought together by dissolving them in mercury.  However it dislikes the earthly quality of iron and will not combine with it.  Mercury likes to go into an airy rather than earthly form.  The term ‘amalgamate’ is also used in commerce when different organisations amalgamate together.  This is a mercury-process, and Hermes was traditionally the god of commerce, (Kollerstrom, n.d.).

Mercurial processes within the body are valuable in the metabolic, respiratory lymph and glandular tissue.  In the digestion (and lymph) systems it facilitates the coming together of the ‘external’ substances and the human organism, merging together energy and body building processes.  In the lungs it connects us with life through the first inward breath and releases us into death with the last outward breath.  When there is imbalance in the lung region, mercury helps to counteract any inflammatory or consolidating states that would take hold, (Hauschka, 1966).