Tag Archives: Silver

Organ Massage – The Bladder

Organ Massage:    The Bladder

Brief Introduction:
The bladder organ massage with the metal silver supports the functions of the brain and the uro-genital organs especially during conception and development of new life.  It carries the moon forces and has the opposite effect of lead within the body.

Knowledge of Metal:
Silver has an enlivening quality.  It is a soft, white, lustrous metal that has the highest electricial conductivity of any element.  It melts easily and can only be cast.  Silver has long been valued as a precious metal and used to make ornaments jewelry, high-value tableware, utensils,and currency coins.  Today, silver metal is also used in electrical contacts and conductors, in mirrors and in catalysis of chemical reactions. In mythology the pure silvery moon was associated with the chaste moon goddess, Artemis, the Huntress with the silver bow and arrow, and Diana, whoses images were cast in silver, (Kollerstrom, n.d.)

Silver reflects the action of the moon whose forces influence the rhythms in life.  The moon qualities of silver show an intimate connection with light as she reflects back light from the whole universe.  Starlight as well as sun light shines back to us in the moons reflection.  She receives light images passively and reflects them back just a mirror would.  Silver has an inner mobility that reflects it reproductive powers, like the ripples that form after throwing a stone into water.  In human beings we see the moon/silver forces in the body’s growth and building up processes, including the reproductive process that takes place within the warm and secret areas of the reproductive organs.  It also carries its forces to the brain where we are able to conceive ideas and reproduce these, thus reflecting the world in our thinking life, (Huschka, 1966).

Knowledge of Indications:
Silver is a valuable substance for restoring harmony and balance within the body, especially the rhythms.  In cases where women are finding it difficult to conceive, silver can restore rhythm and warmth to the body’s processes, especially regarding hormonal rhythms.  It is also useful for other genital disturbances in men and women.  In shock and trauma silver can help to preserve balance between the etheric and astral forces preventing hysteria and loss of boundaries.  It supports the nerve-sense system when the client has a tendency to migraine by restoring balance between the upper and lower poles of the body.  In the elderly silver can restore rhythm to micturition and in children elevate bedwetting problems, (Taruna, 2012).

Contraindications for Gallbladder Organ Massage:

  • Menstruation
  • An acute inflammatory condition
  • Fever

Form, Dynamic and pace:

The massage describes a gently swinging half moon curve between the right and left iliac crests moving over the suprapubic area.  The right hand is held in a slightly curved position as it embraces the contours of the suprapubic area.
The left hand rests gently underneath the client’s right hip region in a warm, supportive gesture without applying any pressure.  Starting just beyond the left iliac crest, the right hand moves in a curve towards the right iliac crest and then swings back to the left.  This makes one movement and is repeated.  A third repetition from the left iliac crest finishes with a gentle outwards stroke beyond the right iliac crest.  Five swinging motions are made in all.
The practitioner holds a rhythmical pace bringing a new impulse to the process at the start of each swinging motion.